“Train the mind and your body will follow. With passion, grit, perseverance, and
consistency one can accomplish anything!”

About Sabah Syed
Sabah has been a lifestyle and contest prep coach for several years, and recently joined theProFX Precision LLC coaching team. She is one of Muscleology Sports’ elite sponsoredathletes and nutritionist. She comes from a strong background in the Health/Naturalsciences. She worked as a former research scientist at the Lamont-Doherty EarthObservatory of Columbia University and has a M.S.E.D in Earth Science. Furthermore, shehas studied and taught a wide variety of courses such as Biology, Chemistry, Health,Family-Nutrition Exercise Science, and Environmental Science. Alongside being aneducator, personal trainer, and nutritionist, she is also an IFBB Pro. In 2019, she madehistory by winning the Overall Women’s Figure Champion at the North AmericanChampionships, becoming the first female IFBB Pro athlete from Pakistan. As she oncestruggled with being overweight and started bodybuilding, she discovered her passion toinspire and help others obtain their fitness goals as well. She has helped her clients buildfrom never lifting a weight to a national level competitor, winning overall champion titles,and even securing an Olympia Qualification this year.
With the combination of her extensive knowledge in Health & Natural Sciences, personalexperience as a competitor and IFBB pro athlete, research scientist, and educator shepossesses the ability to teach and help her clients understand the “why” and “how” inapproaching their overall fitness goals. Her philosophy is to help teach and instill daily healthy lifestyle habits in her clients. Her goal as a lifestyle coach is to create lifelong resultsthat are realistically obtainable. As for her competitive clients, her main goal is to getoptimal while assuring overall health markers are not jeopardized. She has stronginterpersonal relationships with all her clients and always strives to help them to the bestof her abilities.